Bikini Cabana

Port of Spain

Copyright: Marco Verch Professional/cc by 2.0/flickr

Bikini Cabana

Bikini Cabana is a boutique specialized in fashionable swimwear such as bikinis and one-piece swimsuits from various parts of the world. It is conveniently located close to the cruise terminal for those who need to buy a new swimsuit on the way to the beach. Apart from selling swimwear items, customers can also find accessories such as sunglasses, hats, and beach bags. The boutique is geared towards women, however, they also offer swimwear and beach items for men.


Port of Spain offers a diverse range of souvenirs and products for different budgets. Some of the common items bought on the island are; palm hats, hand-made jewellery, paintings and leather sandals. Trinidad is also famous for its local musicians selling their Calypso music CDs, which are great souvenirs to take home. Most shops are concentrated in Port of Spain and San Fernando. Opening times may vary, but for the most part, most shops open from Monday to Friday 8am–5:30pm and Saturday 8am–5pm. Shopping centres typically open from 10am to 8/9pm. Supermarkets are generally open from 8am to 8pm daily.